Async Unit Tests for VS2010

This project allows writing unit tests using the async/await keywords, without having to provide your own asynchronous context for each test.

VideoClubGorbea Online Video Renting -Reference Project-

VideoClubGorbea it's a reference project, based on a imaginary online video renting shop in wich you will learn how to make the solution arquitecture, how to separete in n-layers, using the latest technology and design patterns such: .net 4.5, c#, MVC 4, async ctp, parallel task library, MVVM, Entity Framework Code First, Metro style app... and much more!

WinRT XAML Toolkit

A set of controls, extensions and helper classes for Windows Runtime XAML applications.

Windows Phone UPnP (46 kB)
The basics of a UPnP network stack for Windows Phone, based on a blog post originally. Written in C#, also requires the Async CTP. Includes device discovery via SSDP and method invocation.